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            A+ with stable outlook – Standard & Poor’s confirms excellent rating for Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) (ENGLISH)

            VIG continues to be the best-rated company listed in the ATX

            On 30 July 2019, the international rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) again confirmed its rating for Vienna Insurance Group of A+ with stable outlook in a press release.

            Business risk profile: strong

            S&P based its positive assessment on the company’s broad-based product portfolio and sound premium diversification at Group companies, and its market leadership in Austria and CEE. The multi-brand strategy, multi-channel distribution and the broad geographical and business line diversity played a role in the rating. In comparison with market peers, S&P highlighted VIG’s consistently positive operating performance.

            Financial risk profile: very strong

            S&P confirmed that Vienna Insurance Group has a “comfortable capital buffer” at the AAA level. The rating agency expects this position to remain unchanged. S&P also emphasised VIG’s strong capital adequacy with a very robust regulatory solvency ratio of 239 percent.

            The stable outlook is based on the insurance group’s leading market position in Austria and most CEE markets as well as expectations that earnings, considering organic and external growth as well as dividend payments, will continue to support the company’s very strong capital adequacy.


            Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) is the leading insurance specialist in Austria as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. About 50 companies in 25 countries form a Group with a long-standing tradition, strong brands and close customer relations. VIG has close to 200 years of experience in the insurance business. With more than 25,000 employees, Vienna Insurance Group is the clear market leader in its Austrian and CEE markets. It is therefore excellently positioned to take advantage of the long-term growth opportunities in a region with 180 million people. The listed Vienna Insurance Group is the best-rated company of ATX, the leading index of Vienna Stock Exchange; its share is also listed on the Prague Stock Exchange.

            If you have any questions, please contact:

            Group Communications & Marketing
            Schottenring 30, 1010 Vienna
            Mirjana Verena Mully
            Phone: +43 50 390-21064
            mailto: mirjana.mully@vig.com

            All press releases are available for download: www.vig.com


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